Annual Giving Society
Your gift provides CSCET with the resources to offer unwavering support to East Tennesseans with cancer.
CSCET’s Annual Giving Society honors donors who make an investment in our mission with contributions of $1,000 or more to our annual campaign (January 1 – December 31).
If multiple gifts are given during the calendar year, the cumulative total will be used for recognition. Donations may be tax deductible and can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one, as a sponsorship of an event, or for a designated program. Please consult with your tax and financial advisors.
Join Today!2023 CSCET Annual Giving Society Members
Abercrombie Radiology
Akima Club
Bonnie & Richard Anders
Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville
Athens Distributing Company of Tennessee
Ann & Steve Bailey
Linda Bailey
Martha Begalla
Blue Ridge Yoga
Bill Bradshaw
Becki & Bob Brehmer
Shelly & Hugh Bright
James Brock
Jenny & Adam Brock
Ileen & Jimmy Cheek
Rhonda & John Clark
Stacy Clark
Clayton Homes Foundation
CNS Y-12 Community Investment Fund
George G. Conner, Jr.
Mindy & Tom Coulter
Albert Cranwell
Ann Cranwell
Elizabeth Cranwell
Current Watersports
Ryan Davis
DermatoPathology Partners PC
Jeff Dobbs
Becky & Jim Dodson
East Tennessee Foundation
Marcia & Curtis Elam
Melinda & James Ethier
Facebook Fundraisers
Family Hearing Center
First Horizon Foundation
Melanie & Jeff Flickinger
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Martha Giles
Susan & Eric Good
Gail & Allan Grossman
Beth & Mike Hamil
Hanna Cancer Associates
Ann Hansen
Sarah & David Hetrick
Home Federal Bank
Laurel & John Howanitz
Sue & Randy Humble
Jacki & Richard Imbrey
Debra & Todd Jackson
Deborah & Jimmy Jones
Lou & Ted Jones
Chris & Robert Kahn
Kickin Cancer
Katie Kline
Knoxville Garden Club
Kroger Foundation
LJ Family Foundation
Nancy & George Lefler
Malinda & Ford Little
Carole Lundin
Deborah Lutz
Jane & Larry Martin
Sandy & David Martin
McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects, Inc.
Lindsay McDonough
Karen McKinney & John Taylor
Joanne & Mark McKinnon
Lee & Greg Meadows
Carol Momsen
Suzanne & Donald Morrison
Morristown-Hamblen High School West
Tonia & Michael Mostella
Lynda Newton
Adrienne & Brian Notess
Veronica & Jack O'Hearn
Diane & Robert N. Page
Leslie & Ken Parent
Gwendolyn Kerney & Jim Parris
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Sara Phillips
Pilot Company
Planet Xchange/Greater Goods
Premier Surgical Associates, PLLC
Mary Rayson
Jennie W. Ritchie
Margaret & Wayne Ritchie
Rogers Petroleum
SageView Advisory
Sampson Foundation Fund
Wendy Schuetz
Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church
Carol & John Sheridan
Susie & Paul Siler
Susan Stalgaitis & Bill Tuberville
Strategic Tax & Business Services, Kathryn Schrader
Debra Sullivan
Tennessee Cancer Specialists
Tennessee Department of Health
Nan & Clif Tennison
Tennova Healthcare
Thompson Cancer Survival Center
Thompson Charitable Foundation
Donald Thorne
Janice & Mike Threlkeld
University of Tennessee Medical Center Cancer Institute
Jessica Vinsant
Mary & Bill Walker
Elizabeth Wall
Amy & Dan Wilbanks
Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter, PLLC